Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Down memory lane

March's and May's are the most awaited month's for the graduating students from grade schools, high schools, and colleges. Every student prepares for the awaited day they have been yearning most of their school days, to graduate.
I attended college graduation twice this past two months, one for my sister and the other for my cousins. I found similar scenes from the other to another, the grins in their faces and the sighs that ya i had too during my days.

Ironic as it seems back at the time when we're still in school all we think about is to graduate and then here we are nostalgic about our school days.Well i guess it's because we spent half of our life in school, learning most of what we do know now. But not just learning per se it's the people we spent time most, our classmates that we made friends and later BFF's. With all those stupid things we do talking back behind our teachers wishing they would be absent in the next few days so that there will be no class. Planning fight backs and how to loiter school and canteen during class time.

That might be some of the reasons, reminiscing the past and few topics for the reunions. School days with the day to day activities we had, the knowledge, the laughter, the fun, the years spent together. How well you did school?was you, one of the top of the class, the quiet one, the unbearable parrot, the ever versatile student, the most popular, the nerdy or the most hated one, the teacher's pet? Whoever you are from the past doesn't matter now what matter's most is how you spend your school days and the memories you treasure most with the people you've been. Bear in mind memories are forever and so are friends. Keep in touch always.

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